Michael Greve

Michael is one of the most successful technology entrepreneurs in Germany. He co-founded companies like web.de and lastminute.de and is the initial investor in several German unicorns, such as BabbelStaffbase, and Mambu.

​Today, he focuses his entrepreneurial energy on his Forever Healthy Foundation to accelerate the transition to a world without age-related diseases. Forever Healthy's initiatives include hosting the annual Rejuvenation Startup Summit, funding translational research on the root causes of aging, and providing evidence-based evaluations of current rejuvenation therapies.

Activities at Michael's venture capital firm, Kizoo, complement the mission of Forever Healthy by creating, mentoring, and financing rejuvenation biotech startups that turn basic research on the root causes of aging into therapies for human use. 

​Strongly believing that exponential technologies offer amazing potential for humanity and that it is best realized in a community of like-minded doers, Michael started Future [+]. The initiative seeks to connect people who enjoy creating a positive future. It hosts (art) events, round-tables, and get-to-gathers, and operates its own social spaces.

Michael on @X: @epicoun